An educator bloogging about graphic design.

Sunday, April 09, 2006

Our Latest Project


Stella Marie Duren was born Wednesday, April 5, at 8:02 am. She weighed 8 lbs. 8 oz. Both Karen and Stella are healthy and happy, mostly. There are times at 4 am when things aren’t always so clear.

Besides being supportive enough to wear a goofy blue shower cap for the delivery, I passed the time at the hospital with my laptop and iPod creating a music compilation CD and designing the package. The songs all have “baby” in the title — mostly jazz and cocktail ballads. I’ll have it done in done in time to show my Intro to Mac students.

It's Springtime, and Creative Brains are Blooming

Spring has sprung here in East Tennessee. Our home is on the Dogwood Trail, and the cars are creeping past as occupants stare. You'd think it would be cool to have your abode admired this way, but it's weird.

Design students are in the home stretch of spring semester, prepping their portfolios and projects. My Design I students are working on their book designs, while Typography is working on the American First Aid Kit and Intro to Mac is designing their CD package.

There are two upcoming events downtown worth doing for designers. So get out there in this great spring weather and do 'em.

Knoxville Museum of Art
Design Lab: TWO (in Minneapolis)
Feb 10-May 21 $5 admission
The design studio TWO, co-run by Deborah Littlejohn and Santiago Piedrafita, displays graphic design's multiple applications, methods and strategies, with focus on the artists' work with font and typeface design.

AIGA Third Thursday Happy Hour
Downtown Grill & Brewery
April 20th, 6-8 pm
Topic: Best and Worst Typefaces