Teela Fleeman: Altoids
With Altoids having such a strong campaign currently I decided to expand within that campaign. I created a mini-campaign with the underlying idea of the many things you can do with the Altoids tin when finished with the mints. The ideas ranging from do-able things to comical uses. My chosen mediums are magazine ads, billboard ads, and direct mailers.
Congratulations! Teela's pitch was chosen and she is now an art director, creating a campaign based on this ad. Adam, Bailey, David and Rosie are on the Altoids team.
very intelligent. looks just like something they would do... fits nicely with their corporate image.
7:16 AM
Looks very professional, very Altoids. Well done.
10:46 AM
This is a very clever idea for a campaign—it would have endless possibilities and would capture the attention of viewers. Very smart looking!
11:51 AM
I like your approach. It's fun and playful.
12:25 PM
I love your concept, way to think outside of the tin (sorry bad pun there)
David W.
3:26 PM
oh you have my vote as well
3:27 PM
so clever! i love this idea! i used to be addicted to making things out of altoids tins so i can relate. i cast my vote!
4:48 PM
Pretty good idea, making the product's design work for the campaign. Should make Altoids stick in the consumer's mind.
4:48 AM
What a neat idea!
6:20 AM
My vote you get, very creative you are....(yeah bad yoda impression)-Adam
8:39 AM
so damn easy! altoids look is already set..all u gotta do is plug in a new kitsch theme! Way to go! Dont beat up any small people because their mint is stronger than yours!!!! Love ya!
10:23 PM
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